Tergeosan DEA Book Microorganism Cleaner

In 2020, Joint Work Was Done with DEA:
Efficient and effective machines capable of transporting files, books, scientific information, documents, environments, and operators safely and reliably were developed, potentially yielding fruitful results.

DEA is distributed by Tergeosan and is available in small and medium versions. It offers a material card with a label containing 93% to 99% environmental and material components. It comes with a single standard performance certificate from CNR and includes only a storage guide and a first-class mechanical product.

DEA is designed to facilitate archiving and program museum creation, as well as local and single-operator warehouse operations, eliminating some requirements for proper maintenance, archiving, and preserving libraries.

Books as Treasures of Human Knowledge
Books are the treasures of human history. However, microorganisms that develop in books over time can cause these valuable works to deteriorate. In this regard, the Tergeosan DEA product provides an important solution for microorganism cleaning and conservation efforts. Especially for libraries, archives, and collectors, Tergeosan DEA is an indispensable product that helps extend the life of books.

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