Biotin R 1 – 1 Kg

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : Biotin R 1 + R 2 is a two component liquid concentrated system of active substances to be used, after dilution in solvents, for the preservation of stone materials, mortars, plasters, frescoes, bricks, wood etc., from microbiological attack. Biotin R 1 + R 2 is used in solutions in organic solvents in concentrations ranging from 3 to 5%. Biotin R 1 + R 2 provides an enduring protection, thanks to its very low solubility in water which allows long-lasting activity also from repeated washings. Owing to its characteristic of being soluble in organic solvents (both polar such as alcohols and apolar such as White Spirit D40), Biotin R 1 + R 2 proves to be useful not only for the protection of outdoor artifacts but even of supports sensitive to water, as wooden materials, canvas paintings, frescoes containing soluble salts.